Taking Stock of Blessings

Blessing Doves

Morning begins as my eyes open through a series of slow blinks, while stretching my body into awkward positions preparing for the next move, getting out of bed. Still stretching while sitting up, my head feels disoriented and light. One last stretch as I stand slowly and gather my balance, my body seems healthy and my mind is becoming alert. The beginning of my day has been blessed.

Preparing to go about morning activities, my first act is to drink from my tumbler of water. My intake quota at day’s end will surpass recommendations of water consumption. Certain segments of society do not have access to an over abundance of clean drinking water. This blessing stays with me and I drink of it often.

Finished with the morning ritual, I turn my attention to personal interests. This time usually begins the eight, or more, hour work day. For me this time has been freed. Influenced by events derogatory in their inception, by spiritual design altered into the form of retirement. My humility is deep with this blessing.

After working through my personal affairs, I begin searching news and reading posts on the web. In this age, many people use computers and access the internet, yet many are not so technologically advantaged. Intrigued by its potential, this blessing of technology is indispensable to me.

Newsworthy articles pierce my spirit with anguish. Those who have sworn to protect are slaughtering someone who looks like me every day. Stepping out to run errands seems harmless, yet danger looms with every venture. Only God’s grace has shielded me thus far, the power of this blessing enfolds me.

Breaking the sorrow and mindset of anger, I focus on uplifting reports and glance through the posts of friends and family. Some bring a smile to my face, others a chuckle inside, their subjects natural and spontaneous. Posts of inspiration add substance to the feed, encouragement that shines through the darkness. The laughter and love from kindred souls are blessings too valuable to measure.

Winding down to end the day, entertainment watched on a large screen tv takes my mind away. Its picture rich with color and depth, and the sound fills the whole space around me. I could not have imagined while watching the black & white as a child, that my favorite past time would evolve into my own in-home theater. I love this blessing passionately.

Dinner does well to satisfy and comfort me, relaxed turns to drowse. My eyes begin missing parts of the show and my mind drifts away from the plot. Sleep lowers my eyelids slowly while peace gradually saturates my soul. Resting on a couch nourished, and slumbering in a bed free of worry and strife, is an amenity every human should possess. It is something we are all entitled to, for this blessing my gratitude has no end.